Oh my sweet Josephine. How have two years passed since the day you were born?

The amount of growth you have shown this past year is exponential. Not only physically but I see the growth in your language and emotionally. I am so proud of you. You are feisty, determined, tough, loud, musical, loving, loyal, etc.

I love watching you problem solve; That brow furrows, the wheels are turning and by golly you figure it out! I love telling you that I love you and you respond, "Too." You are already such a hard worker and I'm so appreciative for your help around the house.

You have a confidence that I envy. Your bravery vastly surpasses your petite stature. When you get knocked down you literally get mad! I've seen you bump your head, wipe the spot that was just bumped, you scowl, just to march off and continue with your day.

Right now you love Elmo, SpongeBob, and Paw Patrol. At this moment you are actually wearing an Elmo costume and on your birthday you wore your Chase costume (and for two days following your birthday). You love baby dolls or stuffies that have BIG eyes. You love music and have recently started singing your own songs.

Typically speaking you do not make it easy for mama to take your photo. These photos that I'm posting you willingly took because you got to wear your cute boots.

We don't hear the words "yes" very often as your response to most questions is "No!" Hmmm ...

Josephine, you love your brother so deeply. I am shocked by how often the two of you fight because of the age difference but the love and bond shared between the two of you is so pure it brings the ultimate joy to my life.

You are one of a kind and I am honored that you and God chose me to be your mother.

I can't believe how fast you're growing up. Can you slow down?

You are loved beyond measure my little warrior.