For some reason I hear women debate about whether they will or will not having maternity photos taken. I find this a very interesting topic and want to give you my "two cents."

You have created life! You are the first home this child knows. Your heart beat is the first sound that brings your baby comfort. You are forever connected with your child in ways that are indescribable. This all happens even before this sweet babe is even born!!! It may not seem like it now but this season of life goes by so quickly. Shouldn't we document such a massive moment in our lives? The answer is, yes!!

I am a mother of two. I have a son and a daughter. My children are 6.5 years apart in age. I didn't have maternity photos taken when I was pregnant with my oldest ... My friend, I regret it (enter - Mom Guilt). I look at the maternity photos I had taken when I was expecting our daughter and I love them. It brings me such joy to remember how sweet and slow those days were. To think about the anticipation of how our drastically our lives were about to positively change.

I do understand that having portraits taken is an investment. With that being said I can confidently assure you that many photographers offer incentives for booking both a maternity and newborn session. If you do not see this listed in their packages don't be afraid to ask! Take pride in what your body is doing for both you and your child and freeze this moment in time so you can remember these days.